If Advertising was the Matrix, consider me Neo after he learned his first karate lesson. I'm trying to see through what's being given and see "the code"...whoa, deep right? I still have a lot to learn, but here's what I'm noticing.
There will Be Blood is on a whole nother level. I feel like that movie is the NFL of cinema and all the other movies I've enjoyed to date were either high school ball or at best college.
I just saw the movie about three days ago, I saw all the Oscar hype and wasn't buying it. But since in my industry "I'm supposed to know what the publics talking about," I decided to cross it off the list...after seeing this film I won't wait as long next time.
Even if I wanted to get bored at points in the movie, main actor Daniel Day Lewis' performance was amazing. Halfway through the movie he already had my very important vote of approval. (It makes the world go round, ask the mayor.)
The plot was ridiculous. Issues came up at points in this film that you never saw coming. My brain never got the chance to focus on one task at hand. It was this smart complexity that puts this movie two levels above the others.
Other films I've seen try to balance several plot lines and while those movies were enjoyable, they're grasping at straws compared to this one. In those movies, it seems that all was resolved with helicopter shootours,car chases and the so important kiss at the end.
My cinematic palette's on a whole nother level now.
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