Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I see London, I see...

I've noticed that both Nintendo and Playstation's newest batch of ads are just targeting kids and teens. I noticed it first with the Nintendo DS ads advertising all of the brain exercising games available. This along with their ads showing grandparents swinging Wii controllers in the air is an obvious display of product use..."for the WHOLE family."

3 points for pulling in new users, giving them a reason to investigate and experience your product.

Playstation seems to be fostering an "unapologetic gamer" tribe which gives gamers not only pride in their hobby, but also permission to play their games...a lot. The VO is heard saying "us" and "will be my brother" repeatedly. This defense angle is very interesting.

Playstation isn't advertising a game, they're advertising gaming as a whole. Keep in mind what Prof. Earl Cox (Strategy Don) said about John Q. Public. "You shop with the brands you like. People aren't rational, they're emotional." So as Playstation is the brand defending gaming, they're banking cool points with John Q. 4 points for Playstation for presenting itself as the system for gamers.

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